Friday, December 27, 2013

My Cake Fête

My story of baking cakes began about half  a dozen  years  back. The first ones were made in an old round oven. A few years back, I became the proud owner of an OTG, which my Pappa bought for me. A brand new Morphy Richards oven with 18 litre capacity.
I have developed as a baker since. I learn something new every time I bake a cake. And , now I have enough material to write a book on 101 ways to destroy a cake, and still counting :)
This is a timeline of some of the older ones which I could find the photos of , and some of my recent attempts.

This was our Christmas cake. It's too late to wish Merry Christmas. So, have a Wonderful New Year friends...

I have been wanting to make one of these pretty little 'logs' ever since I read about 'Buch de Noel' in my french text. I have made swiss rolls before, but never this...
Guess it could be called beginner's luck...yet, Voila :)

This is a cake which I baked and decorated last week for a friend. It is a devil's food cake with a simple butter cream and whipping cream  icing...

My cousin brother's 7th birthday was on the 8th of this month [Dec]. I wanted to bake him 'an every kids dream cake'. It was supposed to be something like a ginger bread house. Instead it turned out to be an igloo with chocolates, gems and jelly on top. Anyhow,my  little bro, was happy with it , so am I :)

It was a layered cake with 2 layers of devil's food cake and a middle layer of vanilla cake...
This is one of my early attempts [in July,2013]. It is a layered vanilla cake with grape flavoured icing and strawberry syrup on top...

1 comment:

Merin said...

Wow! that buche de noel is really cool!